Austin, Texas Speed Traps

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1st exit from southbound Mopac

Austin, TexasNov 24, 20131 Comments

Reduces from 65mph to 40mph while heading downhill. No businesses, homes, crosswalks or lights in area where speed drops. Cops wait at bottom of the hill and take radar reading from up on the hill.

mopac and 71

Austin, TexasJun 19, 20130 Comments

usually a cop clocking people going northbound towards downtown at the large intersection near walmart and bestbuy. in the median near the off ramp.

Southbound Mopac – Before 35th St. exit

Austin, TexasApr 19, 20130 Comments

Numerous times going southbound on Mopac I’ve seen cruisers parked on the grassy hill right before the 35th st. overpass parked perpendicular to the highway. There’s a flashing sign (I think its a yield sign) and they usually post up right near that. I’ve seen them using laser at night as well. I have also seen a group of cruisers ready to jump on the on-ramp to Mopac on the other side of the overpass as the officer on the other side tags speeding vehicles.

West 6th St. Before/After Lamar

Austin, TexasApr 19, 20130 Comments

Be careful heading west on 6th street near Lamar especially after the bars close on the weekends. I work on West 6th and frequently see a midnight blue unmarked cruiser parallel parked. I almost always pick up a Ka band signal with my radar detector from the cruiser. Occasionally there is a charger cruiser as well that is faintly marked as a police vehicle.

Southbound I-35 after Braker Exit

Austin, TexasApr 19, 20130 Comments

I frequently get hit with Laser going southbound on I-35 after you pass the Braker exit there’s a bend to the right, then a slight decline and then a big incline hill. The motorcycle cops usually just park on the right shoulder of the highway about halfway up the big hill that you climb up before approaching the Rundberg exit. The cruisers will park perpendicular to the service road just before the on-ramp to the highway. There is usually a limo parked near this location on the service road.

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