Beaumont, Texas Speed Traps

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Gladys Street near Dowlen Road

Beaumont, TexasNov 19, 20070 Comments

Beaumont police very frequently enforce the (unreasonably) slow speed limit on Gladys,especially between Dowlen Rd and Major Drive! Especially watch out (and slow down!)near/in the school zones on Gladys!

Delaware Avenue near Dowlen Avenue

Beaumont, TexasOct 04, 20070 Comments

The speed limit is only posted entering and leaving this area. There are no signs in between, so if you miss them you’re in big trouble. There is only construction on this road with no homes. One street over the speed limit is 5mph more with businesses. Not sure why the difference but beware.

11th Street near Between Fannett and Washington Street

Beaumont, TexasAug 28, 20072 Comments

One particulatar motorcycle cop patrols that area and is famous for coming from behind buildings or being parked out of sight. Heavy area for citations as posted speed is 30 mph on a 4-lane street.

College Street near MLK Jr. Street

Beaumont, TexasAug 22, 20070 Comments

Traveling on MLK, away from Lamar, where you turn left onto college. The cops sit at the top of the hill with a radar gun pulling anyone speeding into a parking lot. The posted speed on MLK is 45, but the speed on College is 30 or 35. There is not a sign to show that until after the speed trap.

Concord Road near Village Shopping Center

Beaumont, TexasJul 03, 20070 Comments

This is a 4 lane road; two coming and going and pretty wide open. At times, motorcycle officers hide in the shrubs and use handheld radars and walk directly out in the road to stop you. The posted limit is 30 and all I’ve got to say is you better not do 32.

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