Cameron, Texas Speed Traps
US Highway 190W / HWY 77 coming into Cameron
US Highway 190W / HWY 77 coming into Cameron – Speed limit is 65 MPH when you pop over the Hill the speed Limit drops to 55 – BUT the Officer of the Cameron Police Dept. Sits with his radar Gun aimed at the spot where you pop over the Hill. Despite being a combat veteran of 3 different wars with 15 years of service {showed him my veterans ID card} he couldn’t let me off with a warning- {for those of you unaware there is a kinship between veterans and law enforcement as we both risk life and limb to protect the public & normally they will offer a warning for something small like ONE MPH over the speed limit} – Never the less the Officer cited me for 66 MPH in a 55 MPH zone.. in reality I was ONE MPH over the speed limit and had let off the gas when I saw it dropped to 55, then I noticed the Speed trapper Police SUV and he pulled out behind me – I stopped almost instantly at the first safe place to pull over – So unless this was an intentional speed trap {of which there is no doubt} there was absolutely no reason to site me…… I was on a trip to help my 92 year old father who is also a veteran who served briefly at the end of WWII and also throughout the entirety of the Korean War, so I was unable to go back to Cameron to fight this Bogus Ticket. The City of Cameron, the Judge & the Court Clerk along with the Police Officers should be ashamed of themselves for this greedy materialistic & morally corrupt behavior. This type of greed will damage any chance of tourism or economic gain as most people will avoid Cameron like the Plague. I made it a point not to spend a dime in Cameron {other than the speed trap gouge} and will never visit their morally corrupt, unjust & unpatriotic town again. This kind of evil antagonistic approach to law enforcement is what unfairly gives small Texas towns a bad reputation, shows bad judgment as well as disdain or the public and is backwards thinking from past era’s when segregation, sharecropping, and Jim Crow was the law of the land. To add insult to injury they charged me about 6 bucks for a “service charge” and 3 bucks “Process Fee” to process my online payment extra on top of the traffic fine. The extra “Charges” & “Fees” are probably kickbacks that go to the Mayor, City Council, Police Chief and Judge. I doubt seriously the rest of the Police Force is aware of the “Fees & Charges”.
77 north of town outside city limits
On 77 just south of the intersection with 485 there is a PAVED AREA off the shoulder on the north bound side with an officer sits (sheriffs dept). You are seemingly in the middle of no where when the speed limit drops to 60 and an officer sits and waits. The last 4 times I have gone through he’s been there without exception. And don’t bother fighting your ticket. Best thing to do is take a route around Cameron and definitely don’t spend any money there! Hit ‘me where it hurts! On a side note, I’ve been told that since this sheriff was elected tickets have shot up and so has crime! Shows you where their focus is!
between n highway 77 and the underpass on US 290
the posted speed limit is 30 MPH. The police set up a car in this area and then radio the information to a police car that is stationed near the Shell Service Station.
The mile-long bridge over Little River on Hwy 36/190
Police car is hidden at abandoned building just as you exit/enter the bridge at the east end (away from town). They back car into the space so it is well hidden from both directions, even at 4:00 am.
They also park on the town/west side (opposite end of above location) near the farm house or in the trees. And, mind the ever-changing speed signs going through city limits.