Houston, Texas Speed Traps
Fountainview between Westheimer and Richmond
Police units hide at KC’s Parking lot.
610 Loop North between North Shepherd and Ella- on the West Bound Feeder
HPD sits behind a tree on the access road of the 610 N. Loop feeder and steps out with his Laser gun. If you are heading west from North Shepherd, the 1/2 mile plus stretch of feeder road is 30 MPH.
N Beltway 8 feeder eastbound between JFK and Aldine Westfield
At least one HPD unit and one DPS unit will be waiting in their parked Camaros, radar at the ready to snag undeserving motorists.
3300 Hamilton
Poorly Marked school zone behind the school on freeway entry ramp. Radar is waiting after youcross intersection behind school Multiple vehicles stopped. Poorly posted school zone.
I-10 Service Road westbound of Studemont
Speed limit is 35 but drivers commonly accelerate before the on-ramp. Officers stop cars with flashlights two blocks W of Studemont after Laser unit detects them. Often more than one car stopped at the same time, and about half of the cars going by were cited. In addition, work zone signs are posted, but work seems to be on the main lanes, not the frontage road.