Mansfield, Texas Speed Traps

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Cardinal Road near Newt Patterson Road

Mansfield, TexasNov 06, 20070 Comments

Mansfield Police, particularly the motorcycle officers like to hang out in several of the driveways waiting for speeders or they wait in one of the 3 new driveways for Legacy HS. 30MPH is really low for that type of road.

Newt Patterson Road near FM 157

Mansfield, TexasSep 06, 20070 Comments

After turning from FM 157 (Speed Limit 55) to go West on Newt Patterson Road, there is no speed limit sign. A Mansfield Police Officer will be hiding in the parking lot of the Church on the right. The only speed limit sign is 150 yards down Newt Patterson indicating the speed limit as 30. I was ticketed for doing 40 in a 30 heading westbound on Newt Patterson Road. Be mindful as you pass the church and maintain 30. I see the same Cop several times a week hiding in the Church parking lot.

State Highway 287 near Highway 157 Crossing

Mansfield, TexasFeb 02, 20061 Comments

Despite small police force, town of Mansfield maintains a minimum of one city policeman on this four-lane, divided section of Highway 287 that has an unrealistically low 55 mph speed limit. Feeding sections are identical, but have 65 mph speed limits.

State Highway 360

Mansfield, TexasFeb 21, 20040 Comments

northbound 360 off 287 is 40 mph during two-way traffic. stays 40mph even when road widens to 4-lane divided. goes up to 60 mph for about a mile after a stop sign, then back to 55 when entering grand prairie jurisdiction.

State Highway 287

Mansfield, TexasMar 01, 20010 Comments

The speed limit is reduced at night yet I have only seen one sign on the road listing this restriction. It is at least 3 miles from where the speed trap is. I, along with several others have been caught right before the exit to 157.

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