Melissa, Texas Speed Traps

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545 FM

Melissa, TexasJun 29, 20090 Comments

The Melissa P.D. sets up on the 10 MPH curves right by the Administration Building downtown Melissa

Fannin Road

Melissa, TexasJun 29, 20090 Comments

Going west on Fannin Road from State Highway 121, city police will wait on side of the road at the Hunter Ridge turn in. There is a slight hill before you can see them. Recommend to drive the speed limit at 30 mph because they enforce strictly.

US Highway 75 near Mile Marker 41

Melissa, TexasAug 15, 20070 Comments

This police department is actually out of their legal bounds – they are usually 1 mile South of their legal city limits and they are doing radar – but by the time they stop you – you are in their city limits. This is done at least three times a week. Even if you are only 4 miles over they will ticket you.

Fannin Road near State Highway 121

Melissa, TexasAug 09, 20070 Comments

Going north on Fannin Road from State Highway 121, city police will wait on side of the road at the Hunter Ridge turn in. There is a slight hill before you can see them. Recommend to drive the speed limit at 30 mph because they enforce strictly.

US Highway 75 near State Highway 121

Melissa, TexasApr 04, 20070 Comments

Along US 75 between Anna and Melissa local and state troopers heavily patrol this area. The hide behind the hills in the road, blacked out on the shoulder, or sit just over hills on the highway. They are very well orchestrated.

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