Round Rock, Texas Speed Traps

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Sunrise Rd, Robert P Hernandez School

Round Rock, TexasNov 15, 20130 Comments

They sit in the school driveway, hidden from northbound traffic by a wire fence. They do this particularly at dusk and around 10-11pm.

Sunrise is one of the most heavily ticketed and patrolled roads in RR.

Northbound on Rawhide Dr.

Round Rock, TexasNov 09, 20120 Comments

From Hesters Crossing you go north on Rawhide Dr. and pick up speed rather quickly down hill. Speed limit is posted just a few feet from intersection, but no more are seen after that. Police radar is waiting at the bottom. Your car can easily do 40 mph without pressing the gas so be wary.

corner of mays and gattis school rd

Round Rock, TexasOct 29, 20110 Comments

school zone sign right after turn if turning east off northbound mays ..very easy to miss .. drops from 35 to 20 cops are on foot,hiding behind trees on side streets, I have never seen any pedestrians or schoolkids during posted times.

(Ranch to Market) 620 and Briarwood

Round Rock, TexasApr 09, 20110 Comments

During school days the 1 to 3 Coppers on motorcycles will park facing 620 about 10-20 feet into Briarwood, so they are hard to see.Occasionally they’ll be on the cycles on the center turning lane looking at every car, checking seat belts, for current inspection and registration stickers or anything else they see.

Mcneil Rd Exit on IH 35S access road

Round Rock, TexasFeb 20, 20110 Comments

Drives be careful when turning right on Mcneil Rd, must come to complete stop on red light before moving forward, cops on hiding behind long grass on partially covering railway tracks.

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