Schertz, Texas Speed Traps

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IH -35 between 3009 to fm 1103

Schertz, TexasFeb 23, 20110 Comments

from the top of bridge of weiderstein to the bridge of fm rd 2252 they sit with their lights off or sit off the edge of the bridge off the hill slope grass in unmarked car to marked to motorcycle which and pulling people over if they did not get off exit slow enough . No good reason to slam on your brakes getting off a exit when it is not curved ..the car slows down on its own pretty quick unless your a dumb driver …

IH 35 south just north of garden ridge pottery

Schertz, TexasApr 30, 20103 Comments

got pulled over by the Schertz police department at midnight on 4/25/2010 for failing to signal a lane change , there was no one else on the highway and the cop was sitting on an overpass.

Doerr Lane near Ambradders Lane

Schertz, TexasSep 05, 20070 Comments

This speed trap is along this road from railroad tracks they hide behind the brush along the road the speed limit is 20 mph and they mean it this road is business road the others roads are 30 mph in the same area they also watch for you not stopping at railroad crossing I see cops writing tickets all time its easy to do at least 30 on road like this since there are no schools or homes.

Weiderstein Road near Schertz Parkway

Schertz, TexasAug 10, 20071 Comments

When you travel on Old Weiderstein Road from FM 3009 to Schertz Pkwy, a patrolman hides in his car right over the crest of the hill and curve at the entrance gate to Forest Ridge Subdivision.

Interstate 35 near Exit Number 175 – Natural Caverns Rd.

Schertz, TexasApr 02, 20071 Comments

Exiting onto the access road from San Antonio at approximately midnite. The officer is hidden just behind the entrance to the access road. The speed limit is 45 in this area and the officer will sit and wait for the exiting vehicles to exceed this limit (leaving a 65 MPH limit interstate.) I got clocked doing 56 in the 45 and the officer said that I was still at 50 when I got to the next speed limit posting (that sounds like slowing down to me, how about you?).

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