Sonora, Texas Speed Traps

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Hwy 277

Sonora, TexasOct 16, 20180 Comments

35 mph going south and 30 mph going north in town

1-10 Sonora city limits

Sonora, TexasNov 28, 20170 Comments

A Texas resident, I was driving through Sonora Thanksgiving weekend 2017 and set auto cruise control at 83 mph …Other cars flying by me?? All of a sudden an unidentified car pulled me over and officer said I was going 93 mph????? My problem now at cost of $250…………CB??

Near mile marker 403 on I-10

Sonora, TexasNov 17, 20170 Comments

I was cruising on 84mph on an 80 when the cop pulled me over for driving 94. I’m an out of state driver, and he didn’t give me a chance to hear my part but just the words “you can contest it in court and it will be a citation”. Hez sure I’m not gonna come back and fight against it. Only TX drivers get a chance, nothing for out of state drivers. The best thing he even made a mistake in noting down the state of my Licence plate. It was FL, but on the ticket it states TX. It’s not worth fighting going back to SUTTON county. They know it and its all aimed at non-Texan drivers.

I10 West outside of Sonora

Sonora, TexasDec 30, 20160 Comments

Got a ticket at mile marker 411 outside of Sonora. Had cruise set to 85, got a ticket for going 91. Police officer was going east bound, cross the median, and pulled me over. Both car and gps said I was going 85/86. I am definitely not going back to Sutton county to fight it, but stinks as there is clearly some abuse going on here.

Highway 277 south towards Del Rio

Sonora, TexasNov 01, 20150 Comments

I was headed south towards Del Rio at edge of town, at 30mph sign looked down and saw i was going 28, 50 feet I rounded corner saw police car on side , looked down again and still going 28. The was a car in the passing lane pulling away. The policeman and the other car traded waves as I saw hands of both wave. I didnt change speed. I was stopped and told I was going 11 over. NO WAY ! The policeman continued to wave at locals as they passed that appeared to be speeding while wrtting my ticket. I felt like I had been robbed. I WAS NOT SPEEDING ! Sonora Texas either have incompetent police or they are funding their little town through robbing travelers. I will no longer spend any money in this town at stores, motels, food , fuel, etc. If they hurt economically perhaps the local businesses will clean up the problem.

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