Beaver, Utah Speed Traps
Interstate 15
Speed trap is regularly conducted just before the turnoff to Beaver, Utah. I was ticketed for driving 88 in a 75 zone and pretty much got what I deserved, but just so others know.
Interstate 15 near Exit Number 112
About 6 miles north of exit 112 in Beaver. South bound I-15 when you come up over the rise if your are over the 75 limit the county Sheriff is waiting. They usually have two cars and get both N and S bound traffic.
Interstate 15
When traveling through this area of Utah I’m most careful in watching my speed as there is heavy speed enforcement in place.
Interstate 15
Consider this area the most heavily patrolled along I-15. Slow to 75mph within ten miles north or south of Beaver. Southbound, patrolmen hide in the median on the decline into town. Northbound, a car is usually hiding in the median about 3 miles from town. Out-of-staters can count on being pulled over within ten miles over the 75mph limit.
statehighway 15
Legal posted speed 75 mph. 92 Cadillac on cruise control reached group of slower moving cars and started passing at top of hill double divided highway and speedomete hit 80 just as I saw the trooper car 1000 yards down the road. Pulled in around traffic then was pulled over by highway patro officer. Stated I was clocked at 91 mph. Car speedometer only goes to 85 plus had just checked it out minutes earlier using watch and mileage markers did 1 mile in 45 seconds and previously speedomete had checked out in comparison to the signs on the road showing your moving speed. Officer said he’d reduce to 86 mph so fine was only $75 instead of $150 but know I did not go over 80. Why do they lie?