Cedar City, Utah Speed Traps
State Route 14 near Mouth of Cedar Canyon
The speed limit on SR 14 changes abruptly from 50 MPH to 30 MPH as SR 14 exits Cedar Canyon and becomes Center Street of Cedar City. Most traffic on Center Street between the canyon mouth and Main Street moves around 40 MPH. An agressive motorcycle officer (supported by patrol cars) writes dozens of tickets every day on Center Street. Both eastbound and westbound motorists are ticketed.
Cross Hollows Road near Royal Hunte Drive
Left off of exit 57 under I-15 overcrossing an officer is usually parked on the side of the bridge waiting to ticket anything over 25mph. Small Town Entrapment.
US Highway 56 near About 5 miles from Cedar City
When traveling East toward Cedar City there is a curve and road that goes off to the left to the Dump that locals call the "Y". Just after going through the curve on Hwy 56 the speed drops from 65 to 55, then later to 45. Cops from city, county and state, radar shoot as you go through the curve. If you have not dropped your speed, then it is pull over and ticket time. If you stop just after the curve Hwy56 is literally black with tire marks from cops shooting radar, and making a quck U-Turn to turn around and get you !