Clinton, Utah Speed Traps
800 North Street near 1500 East Street
A car will be unprominently parked along side the road in a low spot in an attempt to blend in. Clinton does well colecting along this corridor.
800 North Street near 2000 West Road
Speed limit is 35 mph going east from the town of West Point at 5000 W. At 3000 W., after entering the town of Clinton, it drops to 30 mph, then changes to back to
35 mph again at 1000 W. after entering Clearfield. This two mile stretch is a common stopping place for Clinton Police or Davis County Sheriff’s vehicles, who nabbed me for going 6 miles over. $82 fine and goes on your record. It’s easy to miss the change in speed limit, especially if you’ve been cruising along at 35 for two miles already. Unusual for an east-west corridor to have two different speed limits, with no change in density, mostly farmland. Natural speed trap.