Corinne, Utah Speed Traps
N 2800 W "Hatch Road" Turn off before Corinne to Bear River
This road is posted as 50 MPH, it was previously 55 MPH. It is the only road in this area that is not at least 55 MPH, Promontory Rd which intersects is 60 MPH. Rumors are that some one living on this road didn’t like people driving fast on "their road" so they asked their friend(s) in a county government job to lower the speed limit. This is now a favorite speed trap for Box Elder County Sheriff’s department. There are Sheriff’s vehicles on this road daily – strange given how many roads there are in Box Elder County and that this road is not a main road and only connects the sleepy towns of Corinne, Bear River City and Honeyville. I was pulled over at 10:30 PM on a Saturday night by Box Elder County Sheriff who just happened to be parked next to a corn field with his lights turned off. When I asked about the 50 MPH speed his comment was "a county commissioner or someone lives on this road and they had it posted at 50. It is a straight flat road so I sit here." -Side note, no one in Box Elder County government will give an answer as to how, and why the speed limit was changed from 55 to 50 and now seems to attract more attention than I-15.