Herriman, Utah Speed Traps
6400 West and 14100 South
Unified police sit at the bottom of the hill that is just south of the three way stop. The speed limit is 35 MPH before the three way stop. However, once you pass the three way stop it transitions to 30 MPH for the last 800 ft before Butterfield Park Way. Always go 30 MPH on this stretch of road. Both my wife and Mother-In-Law unknowingly received separate tickets at this location from the same police officer one exactly week apart for going 37 MPH. We only knew this because our kids happened to be in the car for both tickets and informed us of the coincidence.
New section of main street near the new rec center
There is a new Unified police officer that is collecting revenue for the city. I have been hit by him and also have seen him pulling over numerous vehicles on the new stretch of road connecting main street(the one with the Chevron station) to 12600 South. He doesn’t reduce your speed on the ticket or give any breaks. I have also seen him on 5600 W near the Cemetery.
12600 South Street
They patrol this section of 126th a lot. They say if you don’t see a speed limit sign, it’s 25mph