Ivins, Utah Speed Traps
Snow Canyon Parkway
Anywhere along the highway. Police hide in any entrances to upscale home developments.
Speed is 35 MPH whereas just a few feet up the road in St. George (same identical conditions), it is 40 MPH.
Yes, they are out to make money and if you don’t pay the ticket within 2 weeks by going to an office in St. George (way out of the way), the cost of the ticket is more than doubled!
Snow Canyon Parkway near 2nd East Road
A white with black doors or an all white Ivins police pickup truck sits by a large LDS Church off the road…and regularily pulls people over for speeding. There is a round about just past the area, that if you go straight becomes Center St in Ivins. The cross street there I believe is 2nd East?
Old Highway 91 at Kayenta interchange
Straight highway in rural area. 55 limit until approx. 200 yards of 40 mph limit. Police sit in 40 area over small rise.