Lindon, Utah Speed Traps
200 South Lindon/2000 North Orem
Cops like to sit on this road or on another road a turn away especially as you get closer to State Street
Road from Pl. Grove Exit, all the way up to Locust Avenue
Pleasant Grove or Lindon police can both get you on this border road. It’s constantly partroled by one or the other city.
South 400 Road near West 400 Road
These 2 roads: 400 W and 400 S in Lindon are constantly patrolled by a Ford F-150 or other patrol car. This is especially a problem on 400 S because it is a business park (non-residential) and there are no posted speed limits. I don’t even know the speed limit for sure on both roads, but I believe it’s 25 mph, which is very low for the type of road and area. They have even pulled over bicycles (not motorbikes) on these roads.