Magna, Utah Speed Traps
State Route 201 near 5600 West Road
East or West bound on SR 201 @ 5600 West, UHP will sit on top of the entrance ramps and get people as they come out from under the overpasses on the opposite sides. You cant see them until its to late. I have noticed them both in the AM and PM rush hours, and in the evenings.
I-80 West and East bound
Driving To and From the sin city of Utah, you will always find a UHP hiding beyon a bridge or sage along the highways. Most comon would be about 1/4 mile down a road where he can get a good fix on your car traveling down I-80. I have been popped a couple of times in this streach of road! Keep the bird dog on, and belive it when it goes off! The UHP will be close by!