Orem, Utah Speed Traps
Center Street near Across from MyFamily.com
At the bottom of the hill on Orem’s Center Street going down in to Provo eastbound (heading out to University Ave.) there sits a cop tagging people who can’t keep their speed under 35 mph. Watch out, he keeps pretty busy on summer mornings. I really haven’t seen him much during other seasons-only summer time.
State Highway SR 89 near 1600 N. Street
Officers park along the street at all times of the day.
400th South Street near Residential/school On 400th south between state and 1200 west
Cops are constantly on this street waiting between blocks at some unmarked three-way intersections, for anybody over 5 mph limit in 25 mph. This is a hill, and it’s easy to go over 25 mph downhill, and sometimes going up this hill going 25 mph seems mighty paint drying slow speed… On Orem Police: You might say their presence is overzealous. I’ve never been pulled over, but this is just a tip for those who need to know about this.
I-15, under University Parkway Exit
The Highway Patrol occasionally hides under the overpass here. Usually, they do this together, working both sides. Because the lighting under the overpass is particularly bad, it’s easy not to see them until you’ve almost gone uner it yourself. Any more than 10 over and you can expect a ticket. They do sometimes lower the ticket speed so you can go to traffic school.