Sandy, Utah Speed Traps

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11400 South 600 East

Sandy, UtahApr 05, 20100 Comments

Going west on 11400 South just after you pass 700 East going down that little hill, they’re on a side street in the neighborhood. Sometimes they’re on 11400 South at the bottom of the hill.

11400 South between 1300 – 1700 East.

Sandy, UtahMar 26, 20100 Comments

Heading East on 11400 South they sit on the South side. They also watch the 4-way stop @ 11400 S and 1700 E siting back by the parks parking lot on the N side of 11400 S.

Wasatch Blvd. near Water Treatment Facility/Downhill Curve

Sandy, UtahFeb 24, 20100 Comments

Police officers are often assigned to this spot aiming up at speeders going down hill. Multiple officers have told me about this spot.

I- 15 & S Jordan Pkwy

Sandy, UtahNov 23, 20090 Comments

Little posting of the speed limit. The "Pig" will camp out there right at the on ramp and catch those that are still slowing down after the hill. This is a construction zone so it’s double the price for a ticket. (I say price because it’s a way for a failing government to keep waisting money, tax the hard working people to pay for the costs of the lazy and trouble making)"

S 700 E & E 8270 S

Sandy, UtahMay 22, 20091 Comments

There will be 3 motorcycle or 1 squad car sitting on the west side of the road by the Engh nursery. Hidden behind trees and bushes that are set back a little from 7th east. Usually before 9am most days and definately on Fridays. Sometimes even in the afternoon. They will also sit on the east side of the road a little south of this spot by Mizumi Restaurant.

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