Springdale, Utah Speed Traps
Just inside the south entrance to Zion National Park
The Park recently lowered the speed limit on the major east-west highway through the park from 35 mph to 25 mph. Rangers will stop everyone (except park employees) driving even just 1 or 2 mph over the speed limit. However, their intent is not to write speeding tickets but rather to look in your vehicle for drugs, alcohol, or other illegal activity. If speeding is your only crime you’ll just get a warning.
Springdale post office
Cops sit under the trees by the post office and along the road next to the Fire station. They shoot radar and are there only to get the people going to Zion National Park from out of town. They are there only for the money it provides the town. Please fight the ticket, they hate that!! It costs them more than the ticket. They travel also to Virgin and Rockville to write tickets. The whole area is one big speed trap for the City of Springdale.