Syracuse, Utah Speed Traps
700 South
All along 700 South from 1000 West to 4000 West. speed limit is 35 and cops love to hide behind things to catch an unsuspecting person with their gun.
I’ve gotten 4 tickets in the past 10 years and 3 of them are on this road. Warning! I haven’t met a Syracuse cop that isn’t an a-hole either.
2700 South at RC Willey
Police sit a few hundred feet west of RC Willey (facing east) and grab anyone that doesn’t slow to 20 mph or stop for pedestrians. The patrol car is impossible to see when it gets dark.
1000 West Road near 700 South Street
Police have set up locations on 700S. at both ends of the New Syracuse High School. The police sit in front of an existing farm yard off the road across from the school. Second Location: is right in front of the track and field area. The road goes from narrow to wide in this area. The overgrowth hides the police pretty well. It is posted at 35MPH on this road.
If heading east down 700 South from 2000 West, about a quarter of mile before the stop sign, it changes from 35 mph to 30 mph.
Third Location: On 1000 West and 700 South intersection, you will see some railroad tracks. The police always pull off the road and monitor speeds. The speed is 35 MPH on this road as well. (This is part of the Clearfield, Utah jurisdiction).