Arlington, Virginia Speed Traps
Washington Blvd. between US 50 and Pershing Dr.
Speed limit is 35, ACPD has been out on both sides, usually in reflective vest so they are easy to spot.
Between Columbia Pike and Fillmore St @ S. 6th
There is an Elementary school with a playground and a County Library at this location, clear signs indicating School Zone 20 mph, but people are pulled over and ticketed every week for years now. Police sit in cruiser or stand at roadside across from the school on Fillmore, even outside of school hours.
Arlington Blvd (Rt 50) and N. Park Drive
Every day at different times you can spot an Arlington County Police cruiser, marked or unmarked, parked on either side of Route 50, between Carlin Springs Drive and George Mason Drive, most of the time at the light at the intersection of N. Henderson Drive and Rt 50 as people accelerating up the hill find it undesirable to stop for a yellow light at this intersection. Additionally, as you go through the light in either direction you begin to head downhill, able to pick up a lot of speed.
On George Mason Drive Bridge Over Rt 66
There was an Arlington County Police truck parked to the right as you come down off the George Mason Drive bridge that goes over Rt 66. They are willing to ticket at 44 in a 35.
N. Edison Street and N. Little Falls Road
There are two Arlington County Virginia Police motorcycle units on N. Edison Street at the intersection of N. Little Falls Road as neighbors have successfully got the County to post a NO LEFT TURN 4pm to 6pm to prevent commuters from using their neighborhood street. I received a ticket.