Blacksburg, Virginia Speed Traps
E. Clay St.
There will sometimes be a town cop that sits at the bottom of the Clay St. hill in a little pull-off spot. It’s usually an easy trap to spot, but sometimes at night by the time you spot it they’ve already hit you with the radar.
Harding Ave
There’s a cop that hides just off the roads in a bit of tree coverage. What makes this one tricky is the fact that it’s right over a hill, and they set up the radar for the very top of the hill, before you see them
Patrick Henry Drive near Collegiate Suites
Right b/w Collegiate Suites and Terrace View, there is an electrical box set up off the road with a large concrete pad. The police love to sit there, mainly during the later hours of the day. I’ve also seen them sitting almost directly across the street up on the sidewalk near the old house with the white fence.
Heather Drive Drive
Cruisers and Motorcycles will often hide out behind the "food time" on heather drive, watching for vehicles coming down the hill headed toward Prices Fork. Speed limit posted is 25 mph, and requires careful speed monitoring on the hill as cars will easily coast to well above 35 mph.
South Gate Drive near Airport Road
Leaving Tech Campus and just after passing under Huckleberry trail bridge on the right towards Airport Road at the Turf Grass research area. 25 mph limit