Blacksburg, Virginia Speed Traps
harding Avenue near Patrick Henry Boulevard
Officer hides at bottom of hill and catches you going over the posted 25 the bottom of a hill come on!
Ellett Road near South Main Street
The Blacksburg police park at the second hand store on the right side of the road (however, it’s up and back from the road, so you can’t see the car) just before you get to the light that is at the intersection of Ellett Rd. and South Main in Blacksburg. The speed limit is 25 m.p.h., but it has just changed from 35 or 45 m.p.h. going up from Ellett Valley. I have gotten two tickets, and so have other friends!
State Highway # 52 near State Route # 23
2 miles before and after south point on rt# 52 It is notorious. you cannot pass thru traveling over 65 and not get a ticket Limit is 55
Otey Street near Washington Street
I was going 33 in a 15 on Otey Street, but got away with a warning. It’s a little ridiculous because Otey is a 15, but it is only posted once and I pulled over right next to a 25 MPH sign that was visible from where the cop turned on his lights. Basically, the cops use Otey Street as a trap because they know everyone will be thinking it is a 25.
Patrick Henry Road near Blacksburg Aquatic Center
There is often a cop waiting hidden behind the trees seperating Patrick Henry Drive from the Blacksburg Aquatic Center. This is usually at night, and it’s as the road begins to coast downward. The speed limit for all of Patrick Henry before it crosses Main Street is 25 mph, which no one follows.