Falls Church, Virginia Speed Traps
US Highway 50 near Interstate 495
On Rt. 50, coming from outside the beltway (I-495), a marked police car often wiats before the I-495 exit, about a quarter mile down an unmarked police car sits behind an exit sign. A speed trap I often see enforced.
State Route 66 near State Route 7
On Route 66 Westbound after crossing route 7, there’s on on ramp from route 7 Southbound onto 66 and it’s lower than 66. The cops sit down on the on ramp behind some bushes that hide them from you going West on 66. They shoot you with their radar gun and charge up the onramp to nab you before you know they are even around.
I know a lot of peopel that gotten pulled over at this location. I’ve been nailed twice myslef. They always hide behind a tree and if ya doin 10mph more than speed limit they will pull ya over.
Rt. 7 (Broad Street) between N. Lee and N. Oak Streets
Westbound on Rt. 7 at 2:30pm, in the vacant lot next to the Burger King, across the street from CD Cellar and Caffeine. Sherrif Deputy on motorcycle attempts to hide behind the overgrowth, but is actually pretty visible a few blocks away. He will walk into either westbound lane to direct you to pull into the vacant lot. He was averaging about a car a minute.
The speed limit here is 25 and is very heavily travelled.
Hillwood Ave (off RT 7 at Seven Corners)
On my way to work everyday i see somebody getting ticket. I dont remember a day when i dont see a police cruisers on one of the intersection or parked on the curb. When i got a job in that area, multiple people told me to be careful on Hilwood Ave. Speed limit is 25.