Falls Church, Virginia Speed Traps
Idylwood road between Great Falls St and Route 7
Police hide out at school parking lot and are not visible until it’s too late.
On Rt 66 East headed towards Washington D.C. 100 yards past the Falls Church exit, State Troopers hide behind a small hill on the right hand side(off road). The road is flat and straight so slow down before the Falls Church exit.
267 W Connector Road
Coming from 66E before the first Dulles Aiport Access road split, is a crossover that will more than likely have a State Trooper sitting at it. Coming from this direction, he will be behind some small shrubbery. If there isn’t one at this point, about 20 yards up there may be one on the right side of the road. The road slopes up *just* enough for you to miss him in your field of vision. If you’re looking for the one on the left, the one on the right might get you. It’s 55 mph, but just be careful.
Falls Church area
After exiting 66 E onto the 267 connector road. A crossover strip on the left will sometimes have a State Trooper sitting there. (This is AFTER the bus/Metro on ramp) Just watch yourself.
Toll Road (VA-267)
(First of many, check Reston and Herndon for more 267 traps)Coming from 66 East onto the connector road to 267. There’s a cop that sometimes sits on the little off ramp from the bus station. He’ll catch you when you’re exiting off 66 (there are trees blocking your view of him) and after you pass he’ll sneak up behind you. BUSTED!