Falls Church, Virginia Speed Traps
Roosevelt Blvd across from Oakwood Corporate housing
There’s a first police car that waits at the corner of Wilson Blvd and Roosevelt Blvd at the Mobile gas station. A second police car is stationed at Roosevelt Blvd across from Oakwood corporate housing which is at the bottom of the hill. The speed limit is 25 but the next block its 30 and the following block is 40. Trees block the 25 mph speed limit sign and you think the speed limit is 30mph or 40 mph. Plus the second cop waits at the bottom of the hill knowing that your car will be going at a faster speed since you’re on a hill and he catches you on radar. Either the first or second car will go after you. Usually the second police car is involved when they are going after three or more cars.
Rt. 66 W getting off at Exit 66
There is usually a team of police that sit at the end of this exit as you get onto Rt. 7 from 66W. They are on foot and flag you over for violations such as driving down 66W with less than 2 people in your car (HOV-2 between DC and 495 from 4-6pm) and registration stickers, and basically anything else you can think of, including going to fast down the off ramp. Be careful here.. I see them several times a week at this exit.
W. Broad St. (rt. 7) between Lee Hwy and 7 Corners
The speed limit here is 25mph, and it is a wide four lane road. There are signs posted informing of an "additional civil penalty" of 200 dollars to be added to your ticket if your speed is 15 miles over the posted limit. Needless to say, the flow of traffic in this area goes around 40, except during the AM and PM rush hours. I’ve seen the cop cars sitting in every street that borders this road, but most of them are concentrated between Dulin Methodist Church and Applebees.