Newport News, Virginia Speed Traps
Beechmont Boulevard near Warwick Boulevard
The police sit across from the Beechmont pool in the cul-de-sac and run radar of people either just coming over the beechmont bridge or heading there. You don’t see them until it is too late!
Fort Eustis Boulevard near Warwick Avenue
Motorcycle police stations itself under the under pass just before the last exit prior to Fort Eustis. He sits in the inbound side during the morning rush and the outbound side during lunch and end of day rush.
Criston Drive near Oyster Point Road
If traveling on Criston Drive between Oyster Point and River Bend Rd. Speeders are encouraged to slow down. Newport News Police have increased the number of officers that patrol that area and are aware of the high number of vehicles that use that cut through to get to Patrick Henry Mall. Speed enforcment is especially high during school dismisal hours. Speed limit is 25 and the Newport News Police have averaged the speed to 38 MPH during high traffic hours. Slow down and watch out for the unloading school buses and children crossing the road.
Interstate 64 E near Mile Marker 254
On I-64 E, where the interstate opens up into the HOV lanes, a state trooper is there with his radar. The speed limit coming from Williamsburg to Newport News (2-lane road)is 65 MPH; but changes to 60 MPH (4-lane road). So, when you are trying to pass someone to get into the lane for Exit 255, they bust you. I have had plenty of people flying on that road pass me (doing 65-ish – 70)…makes you wonder whre the cops are for them?
Rich Neck Road near Dilts Drive
They are on any side road between Jefferson Ave. and Sheilds Rd.. Seems they are there more consistantly during the School Season.