Newport News, Virginia Speed Traps
Huntington Ave.
The officers will often sit in their vehicles, but back from the road, so you can not see them until you are right on top of them. Speed limit is 35, this is a three lane, residential and light industrial type road. The speed limit could easily be 45, maybe even 50 and still remain a safe road. Because of the close proximity to the shipyard, there is constant traffic and a small number of trucks that pass by at all times. Also, the road is a one-way road. The officer will use radar and, not only will they catch you speeding and THEY WILL pull you over and ticket you, but they will often turn their radar gun and continue to monitor your speed as you drive away, so that if you think that you didn’t get caught and that you can speed up, then you’ll have a ticket written for that faster departure speed, rather than the slower approach speed. Also, if you have any expired or missing stickers, or ANY burned out lights, you will also be ticketed for them. The officer will basically do a walkaround of your vehicle and look for anything to write you for. The officer will actually ask you to step on the brake, so he can get a close up look of your tail lights, and then he will seat you in the back of his cruiser while he turns on your turn signals and checks those! Therefore, avoid Huntington Ave. at all costs if you can, and if you do take that road, go 33 just to be safe! At least the judge in traffic court is a fairly nice man, and if you are respectful, you will usually get your sentence reduced.
Jefferson Ave. near the Mid-town community center
There is a flea market near the Mid-town commumity center, and there is often a cop there who waits in the parking lot for speeders comming from either direction. The officer is there at various times of the day, but is more commonly there during the night, and during the night you will not see him until you are within 250 feet of him, but he’s seen you and clocked your speed from the last quarter mile at least before you’ve see him. "The speed limit on Jefferson Ave. is 45, but the average speed is 55." (I have heard that from the mouth of the the traffic court judge.) And it is true. Slow down when you are about a half mile on either side of the Midtown community center and you will be safe.
Coming off James River bridge into Newport News, Trailer Park to right
Going across the bridge is 55, As soon as you come off the bridge its 35. Only one sign says 35 before the trailer park on right side. Cop always there. So you have to go from 55 to 35 at a lights notice!
I-64 at the NN Reservoir , near Fort Eustis Blvd/ VA-Pri 105
At the Newport News Reservoir bridge (it is a short bridge) and just West of the Fort Eustis Blvd/VA-Pri 105 interchange; it is very common for State Police to sit in the "Authorized Vehicle Only" area and radar in either direction. If going West-bound, shrubs often (unless freshly cut) hide the patrol car and may only be briefly visible right before the end of a large left turn a considerable distance away (you have to know what you are looking for) or when it is too late (right at the bridge). The speed limit has recently been increased to 65 (this area was once not to distant from where the speed dropped from 65 to 55, off to the west) and may account for this speed trap to be used slightly less recently. Traffic frequently exceeds 80 in this area.