Strasburg, Virginia Speed Traps

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RT. 11N/S: Old Mill.

Strasburg, VirginiaMar 12, 20140 Comments

Like to sit in the old mill lot on RT11 leaving strasburg, catching nb and sb traffic in the “S” curve. Posted limit in that vicinity is 35, dropping from 55nb and rising from 25sb out of town. It’s a blind turn coming in or out so dont risk being surprised. They prey on those who dont get under 35mph from 55mph within 200ft from the 35mph sign to the cruiser when entering town.

Holsinger EXXON, near main light.

Strasburg, VirginiaMar 12, 20140 Comments

Located adjacent to a late hours bar, this trap is most nefarious. Up to two cruisers can regularly be found nestled on the lefthand side of the EXXON station structure to your right when travelling SB RT11 before the main 4 way light in town. This spot is concealed by a wooden fence perpendicular to RT11, obstructing the view of those passing by on NB RT11, and those leaving the bar who turn left out of the lot crossing SB traffic, and heading NB on RT11.

Base of Food Lion hill, in trees opposite of trailer park.

Strasburg, VirginiaMar 12, 20140 Comments

Sitting on the NorthBound side of RT11, in the turn at the bottom of Food Lion hill. Local law enforcement take advantage of the snail paced 35mph zone bc you must ride your brakes for 200+ meters to maintain a downhill speed below 35mph. The limit drops from 45mph at the crest of the hill to 35mph, so brake early to avoid tickets/brake wear.

Gas station w/ no gas, rt11 SB leaving town.

Strasburg, VirginiaMar 12, 20140 Comments

Incoming NorthBound RT11 traffic should be weary making the second “S” turn in the 35mph zone, as the posted limit drops to 25mph in the second right-hand NB curve. NB traffic’s view of the cruiser is obstructed by the gas station structure immediately on the left of the 25mph sign.

Rt 55 Park n Ride, near I-81.

Strasburg, VirginiaMar 12, 20140 Comments

Cruisers are known to be parked near the RT55 park and ride area, and also in front of and beside a run down structure located immediately adjacent to the park and ride. Cruisers love this area for the ability to increase their distance from the road and use shade/tree cover to obstruct NB and SB traffics view of them , along with a geographic advantage over inbound traffic coming over the crest of the 81 bridge. Be wary as there is no way to see the cruiser at night. I have passed by this spot numerous times at night and the only telltale sign of a cruiser is if the officer has turned on his “covert” red interior lighting within the cruiser, which creates a dull red glow from a distance. Other signs would be reflection of the units in-car laptop screen or other electronic devices’ screen onto the glass windows of the cruiser. By the time you see him/her it’s too late.

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