Kirkland, Washington Speed Traps
106th Street and Forbes Creek Drive
Cops like to sit on the left hand side of the road in a turnaround and trap people who are heading south or north towards The Resort at Forbes Creek/106th Street. Last week I saw 5 people pulled over within a 30 min time period.
5th Ave W & Market St
Cops like to sit on the parking lot at the bottom of a long steep hill descending into a 25 MPH zone.
6th St & Central Way
Kirkland P.D. on motorcycles will sit on the right hand side of 6th street, ready to turn right onto Central. They are screened from view by traffic at the stop light, and they have a perfect radar shot all the way up the hill – so starting at the top of the hill at the speed limit and coasting will put you at 8-10 over. I went to lunch at the Wendy’s down the street and watched one officer average one ticket every ten minutes.
State Highway 405 N. near 124th ST.
Travelling north on 405 from 85th ST going through the newly constructed lanes of 405, WSP awaits you as round the corner from 116th ST. They pull off the freeway and are standing by thier door, waiting for you to speed by. Three others usually are waiting as you pass the new bus on ramp by the Hospital. They wait for you on the ramp cause you can’t see them.
State Highway 405 North & South near New Bus Onramps
State & Kirkland Police sit on ramps and catch you as you go by.