Kirkland, Washington Speed Traps
Interstate 405 Northbound near Exit Number 70th Place
There’s been plenty of mornings I’ve seen a cop car or two hiding behind the end of the jersey barrier in the cop turnaround. It’s hard to see coming northbound until you’re close. So watch your speed if you’re running late, and watch yourself if you’re one of those people who groom on the freeway (which you shouldn’t do).
85th Street near 6th Street
Motorcycle police will sit on the sidewalk at the bottom of the hill, checking the speeds of cars as the descend into a 30MPH zone. 1-3 Motorcycles could be there at any given time.
124th NE Avenue near Lake WA Technical college
The police car hides about 3 blocks away from Lake WA Technical College, in between lanes to private houses.
Interstate 405 near Exit Number 70 ST
One or two cars sit just on the other side of the 70St exit overpass. They sit on the back side of the median. You can’t see them until you are close to the over pass.
Interstate 405
Between 160th and the 124th st. exits on I-405 (somtimes north bound, sometimes south bound). There are some spots in the median near some trees and a curve in the road that the cops like to sit on. They also strongly enforce the carpool lanes there.