Lynnwood, Washington Speed Traps
approaching a school
SB 44th ave w @186th st sw. posted 20 mph, no children is site, well after 4:00 pm. camera only!
maple rd and 40th ave w.
if you are going east on maple rd, just before 40th ave w you will get nailed by a motorcycle unit hiding in a drive way. you will never see him untill your past him about 30yds. most locals use this ase a short cut, the posted speed is 25 and most folks are doing well over 35.
I-5 Southbound (Just Before Exit 182)
Revenue collections officer using his radar gun on overpass for the park and ride just before exit 182. His car is 80% hidden by huge signs. Easy revenue spot for the city of Lynnwood. The “staters” are there just about everyday.
176th Street near State Highway SR 99
176th west downhill from 44th Ave to Hwy 99. Speed limit is posted 35, but cars gain downhill speed up to the signal at HWY 99. Lynnwood PD unmarked waits for you to roll away, then pulls you over at 176th/52nd.
52nd Street
When you turn off 212th (a 30 mph street) onto 52nd, 52nd is a four lane street with an additional left turn lane in the middle; even so, the speed limit is 25 but you’re totally unprepared for that. Farther down the street it does become a two lane street, and the speed limit is 25 there, too. But the cops sit among some buildings on the left just after you turn onto this 4-lane marvel and they snag drivers regularly. There is a sign a block or so down that tells you there might be blind people in the area, but in the 30 years I’ve driven down the street I have never seen a single pedestrian.