Mercer Island, Washington Speed Traps
Terrywood Street near Island Crest Way
MIPD sit in Terrywood off Island Crest Way, just North of SE 78th ST. Speed limit is 30 mph.
North Mercer Way near 76 Ave SE Avenue
Police cars park on the sloped Condominium complex driveway off of N. Mercer Way, partially hidden due to the lower elevation as well as the vegetation in front of the condo complex. The posted speed limit is 30 mph, but it is easy to exceed this limit due to the long straight secton of road.
Interstate I-90 Eastbound near Express Lanes Floating Bridge Section
2 patrol cars usually sit on the east bound express lane to catch speeders.
One usually sit on the left side should in the middle of the floating bridge. That one usually monitor vehicles that are just come out of the tunnel and most people couldn’t spot that cop when they are just coming out of the tunnel.
Then when you think you are safe, there will be another patrol car sitting at the end of the bridge on the right side shoulder right before the 2nd tunnel.
Interstate 90 West near Entrace to Express Lanes
There is an Issaquah / King County police officer who is driving an unmarked gold / brown Pontiac or Camaro. He does stuff to provoke drivers, such as cut them off or driving slow in he left lane. When drivers go to pass, he tickets them. He has been there almost every morning for a month now.
Island Crest Way near Interstate 90
Mercer Island Police have set up a speed trap on the east side of Island Crest Way between Interstate 90 and 40th Street, about halfway up the hill heading south from interstate 90. Originally, they would park on the muddy shoulder and sidewalk; recently, they paved a small area adjacent to the sidewalk and park to give tickets. The speed limit is 35 mph.