Mill Creek, Washington Speed Traps
12728 19th Ave SE 12728 19th Ave SE Everett, WA 98208
Motorcycle officers are hiding behind the Regence Medical sign on Bothell Everett Hwy on the south bound side of the highway. It is active area (Silver Lake down to the intersection of 132/128 because the speed limit is only 35 while the highway is built for 45. Matter of fact, the speed increases to 45 around the corner on 132/128 with similar driving conditions. Just another form of taxation.
164th/ 9th SE
PD sits on south side of 164th in parking lot to catch speeders coming down the hill (eastbound). You have to brake heavily down the hill to maintain the unrealistic 35 MPH limit.
Seattle Hill Road near SE Mill Point Drive
The speed limit on Seattle Hill rd was recently reduced from 30mph to 25 mph. The police often will sit in the turn lane in front of an island right in the area near Mill Point Dr SE, and on the eastern most end of Seattle Hill rd at 32nd Ave. SE.
State Highway 527/ Bothell – Everett near Mill Creek Boulevard
County Sheriff offices are off of Mill Creek Blvd. They are coming back to their base at 6am, 2pm, and 10pm and will pull over as many as they can anywhere north of Mill Creek Blvd, usually without any usage of speed identification equipment; but they do use all of the above around of the end of the month. I drive this 5-6 days a week during all times of the day/night and have gotten 3 tickets in 6 months and had them all thrown out because of lack of evidence or contradictory camera evidence. If you receive a ticket DISPUTE IT!
Seattle Hill Road near 35th Road
Approx ? mile west from 35th on Seattle Hill road there are 2 or 3 Mill Creek Police cars in the center of the median facing both ways with HAND HELD radar guns. The posted speed limit is 30 and they will tag you for 32!