Redmond, Washington Speed Traps

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Bel-Red Road (also named 160th Place NE)

Redmond, WashingtonJul 26, 20020 Comments

between NE 24th and 40th about once a week i see a cruiser on the East side of the road backed into someone’s tree-lined driveway. the limit is 40mph, but it’s a long downhill run to Redmond Town Center and i find myself doing 50mph easy.

NE 90th Street, in the Gallery Place parking lot at the end of the bridge

Redmond, WashingtonSep 01, 20010 Comments

Cops sit at both ends of the bridge, but usually only one end at a time. Because of the bridge design, you don’t see Mr. Happy until you’ve crested the bridge mid-span, where he nails you. Speed limit is 30 MPH, but it’s a 4-lane road and almost everyone goes 40+. They also sit at the other end hidden at a storage facility. Redmond cops are criminals with badges – they will intentionally hide their car and beam people from behind a tree or in the bushes.

Union Hill Road

Redmond, WashingtonAug 01, 20010 Comments

Favorite hunting ground of Redmond PD motorcycles. They sit in the side road and driveways just beyond the UPS station heading east.

154th Ave NE between 520 and 85th under the railroad tracks

Redmond, WashingtonMar 01, 20011 Comments

Officers hide behind trees with officers on bikes and in cars waiting. They also jump out to have you pull into the Antiock Bible churches parking lot. You also need to watch out for someone on that street to jump out to run accross the road. If they do and you do not come to a screaching halt and wait for them to get all the way accross the street before going on then they nail you for not yeilding to a ped. It is a huge trap that the Redmond Cops have. It is entrapment here. BUt do remember that there like kids in a candy store since it is only 35MPH and should be 50MPH

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