Bluefield, West Virginia Speed Traps

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John F Nash Boulevard

Bluefield, West VirginiaJul 09, 20140 Comments

Between Interstate 77 and 460, police set on both sides, usually running Laser. Just past the soccer field on the right if you’re heading towards Bluefield, an officer will be backed in at the edge of the road near the tree line. He nails you as soon as you top the first hill. As soon as you pass that an officer will be on the right just over the next hill, about 1/8 mile past the first location, and the good radar detectors only get him within 600′. The other location on that same road is the opposite side, and the officer nails people heading towards I 77. Usually they will back in where vehicles are always for sale, hiding beside those cars so they can’t be seen, until its too late. It’s only a half of a mile from 460. The speed trap on 460 itself is near Fastenal.

US Highway 460 near Mile Marker 4

Bluefield, West VirginiaJun 02, 20052 Comments

Officer will sit hidden in curve between 3 and 4 miles maker on US Rt 460 East bound lane. They only alow 10 MPH

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