Hinton, West Virginia Speed Traps

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Bellepoint/Greenbrier Drive (WV 3)

Hinton, West VirginiaApr 24, 20110 Comments

The speed limit on Greenbrier Drive (WV 3) in the Bellepoint section of Hinton is 35 and is strictly enforced by the police. The road goes through a moderately developed residential area with houses on the south side and the Greenbrier River on the north side. Cops like to hide at the bottom of streets abutting the road or along wide spots on the riverside. Traveling west, the speed limit drops from 55 to 45 to 35. It is very hard to go 35, you automatically want to go 40 or 45 because that is the speed limit on most roads of that type in WV. People have gotten ticketed at as little as 37mph.

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