Ripley, West Virginia Speed Traps

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Interstate I-77 near Mile Marker 186

Ripley, West VirginiaJul 28, 20052 Comments

Many turns and hills. Radar cosine error is inherent. City police using I-77 as revenue generator. Preying on out of state plates.

Route 33 from Ripley to Millwood Route 2

Ripley, West VirginiaJul 19, 20020 Comments

In March of 2000 I received a speeding ticket on Route 33 about 5 miles out of Ripley,WV Officer was traveling East and I was going West, the speed limit was posted at 55mph but I was talking to my wife and I was exceeding the limit by about 8 mph, but officer said he clocked me doing 13 over the limit, Fair? Well I should have set my speed control inwhich I always do now. I learned my lesson. Very good Job Troopers in Ripley,WV

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