Brookfield, Wisconsin Speed Traps
Barker Road north of Bluemound Rd (northbound lane)
They’ll sit in an empty lot north of Elite Fitness on the east side of Barker and nail you coming north down the hill from Bluemound Rd
South Barker Rd. between Greenfield Ave. and Davidson Rd.
Late at night cops like to park anywhere on this stretch of road. Most times they are sitting off the road on the southbound side just after the elmbrook church. Other times they sit in a small gravel lot off of the northbound side near Greenfield Ave.
Brookfield Road between Wisconsin and north toe RR tracks
Mostly daytime set-ups. Normally laser with one or more pursuit cars. Most frequently within two blocks of elementary school near upper Lothmore
Calhoun Road North and South Bound at I-94 Overpass
Cops shit on both sides of the road of the now 2 lane each way Calhoun Road. I can see them from I-94.
Eastbound on W. Capitol Dr. at Pilgrim Rd.
Saw a squad sitting on Pilgrim Rd. overpass shooting laser at EB traffic coming down a long hill from Calhoun Rd. Saw over 6 squads who had people pulled over. Mix of marked CV’s and unmarked Chargers were lying in wait on side roads and parking lots.