Brookfield, Wisconsin Speed Traps
Calhoun Road near Hill on Calhoun between Patrica and Wisconsin Ave
Police radar on hill.
Watertown Road near Springdale Road
There is a Town of Brookfield cop that likes to sit on the North side of Watertown Road, between Barker & Springdale, in the little entrance to a bunch of condos. It’s 35 there, not that high traffic, but the road is a little twisty. I see him at least 2-4 times a month on my way to work. You’re not expecting to see him b/c it’s not that busy of a street, what with houses, condos & a bunch of business parks. And he knows this, so there he sits.
(Town of Brookfield – Waukesha County)
Brookfield Road near Midland Place
Use both marked and unmarked (dark crown vic.)cars! Squad parks east of Brookfield Rd., on Midland Place or west of Brookfield Rd., on Upper-Lothmoor Drive! A favorite trap between 7:00am. and 9:00am..
Capitol Drive near Road
Brookfield police sit off the road just east of the Pilgrim Road overpass and wait for eastbound cars coming down the hill from Calhoun. Speed limit is reducing from 50 to 45 but with three lanes and a median, it’s easy to find yourself going 60. Sometimes they move a little further east to Stein’s parking lot and hide behind the row of bushes.
Moorland Road near Blue Mound Road
Brookfield Police park in the McDonald’s (under construction now) parking lot next to the Spa.