Brookfield, Wisconsin Speed Traps
Wisconsin Avenue near Calhound Road
I’ve never seen more cops sitting for speeders than I have on WIsconsin Ave. between Calhoun Rd. and Brookfield Rd. For those who don’t know, that’s the road that runs parallel to Bluemound and goes behind Dunham’s and Pick N’ Save. People use it as a short cut to get around the hectic Bluemound traffic but the cops are wise to it, and seem to sit there all the time. It’s a residential area so you probably shouldn’t be speeding anyway, but watch it. 35 feels like 15 back there.
Calhoun Road near Gebhardt Road
On Calhoun Road, going north past Gebhardt Road and at the intersection of Calhoun and Gebhardt, there are always cops patrolling. There is a cop shop on the right side of the road, and on the left is the Walgreens, and Panera parking lot where they love to hide
Interstate 90 near Pilgrim Road
Along eastbound Capitol Drive between Pligrim Rd and Stein’s Garden center a squad will sit in a gravel driveway and clock speeds. Four or five other squads will be nearby and pullout one after the next. There is a blue Speed-Wave Enforcement Area sign nearby.
North Avenue near Lilly Road
Elm Grove police will occasionally — and I think illegally — patrol for speed on North Avenue, even though North Avenue is entirely within Brookfield (NOT shared jurisdiction…even the south right of way is in Brookfield.)
Interstate 94 near mooreland Boulevard
officer waits on turnabouts on i-94 near mooreland rd exit (near brookfield square) when you exit mooreland n. or s. spped from i-94 radioed down to officer waiting near exit