Brookfield, Wisconsin Speed Traps
Calhoun Road near bluemound Road
when heading south on calhoun towards bluemound, ive seen cops parked in the Dunhams Sports Parking lot. its hard to see them until your passing right infront of them, and plus you’ve just come down that huge hill. continuing on calhoun, thers also cops as you head further south; often times in the Swanson Elementary parking lot, the park by the overpass, or right as the speed limit drops to 25 near Tanglewood subdivison
Moreland Road near Interstate 94
This is on moreland rd east of brookfield square mall, north of the 94 junction. the cop will sit in front of the spa/ mcdonalds and you cannot see them! the speed limit is 35 and they WILL pull you over if youre doin 40 mph+
Bluemound Rd, just west of Moorland Rd/Pilgram Rd
Every morning, will sit in parking lot of Bluemound Office Plaza, 15800 W Bluemound, on north side of road, along with Elm Grove Police
Bluemound Road just east of Moorland Road
An Elm Grove PD Car is usually sitting at the far back of the parking lot at the Gateway Country Store radaring eastbound traffic on Bluemound Road. Elm Grove has been known to pull over anyone exceeding the speed limit by as little as 2-3 MPH.