Green Bay, Wisconsin Speed Traps
Johannes Park/Community police building on Baird St.
There is ALWAYS one/two police cars sitting in front of this building as it IS a police communtiy neighborhood center. However, I noticed lately that another police cruiser is backed up in the parking lot next to this building, shooting radar. He kinda blends in w/the other cars. Most people assume any police car parked there is doing business inside the building, NOT true!
With the start of summer coming, I know they will be there more. There is a school across the street & park behind them, so many children are in area.
Westbound Hwy 54 (Mason St. Bridge)
This guy sits at the off ramp on the Mason St. Bridge onto Ashland Ave. on a motorcycle. Uses radar aimed at westbound traffic. Speed limit is posted 35mph. Most people ignor the speed limit and cruise at 45-50 if a cop isn’t present.
Lenwood Ave & Roland Ln
Street goes West to east to west cop sits across the street from 1667 Lanwood parked just in the woods. as of 6/26/2009 it takes 2 HOWARD cops to sit ther
US Highway 41 near Exit Number 161
Brown County law enforcement has been increasing patrol cars on hwy 41. I know of two incidences by relatives, one for speeding and another for expired tags, and I can honestly say that every day in this past week I have seen at least one if not more patrol cars using radar of pulling people over. Location varies between Scheuring Road (exit 161) and Velp Ave (exit 170) with as many as six police cars working together. Usually Ka band Radar is used but Laser is also very likely. Watch especially for above and below overpasses.