Madison, Wisconsin Speed Traps
University Ave & Campus Dr
The speed limit is higher on University Ave, which turns into/veers into Campus Dr. On Campus, the speed limit drops to 25 MPH and the campus police will pull you over. During rush hour, it’s no problem to stay near the limit because of all the traffic, but if you drive that way in off-peak hours, they’ll nab you. Honestly, best to avoid it if you can. They are so cocky about it, too – the little college cops.
Water tower on S. High Point Road
Cops like to sit by the water tower on South High Point Road before or after work on certain weekdays (between Lois Lowry Lane and Welton Drive). Be careful when cresting the hill going south.
Hwy 30, Aberg Ave.
Highway 30 where it becomes Aberg Avenue, just around a blind corner. Four City of Madison police cars lurking, all engaged in pulling people over. A classic speed trap, I guess Scott Walker’s budget cuts have made the police step up their fundraising.
Mineral Pt Rd/Midvale
One cop scanning, multiple chasers. Next to a school zone, and they’re scanning people going through the school zone too.
Beltline Westbound at Mineral Point Road exit
Multiple county sheriffs, One is speed clocking on coming traffic with multiple chase cars.