Necedah, Wisconsin Speed Traps

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East of Necedah

Necedah, WisconsinNov 24, 20100 Comments

Traveling east, once you get over the first bridge, it looks like you’re out of town. There are no more houses and it’s just countryside. The speed limit is still 45, although the signs are not apparent. This is an intentional speed trap to catch people speeding up when they think they are out of town. The cop coupldn’t have been more than 19 years old, and obviously has been instructed to not give warnings.

I won’t even stop to get gas or food in that town anymore. I think they’ve lost more revenue for the town than the ticket brought them.

State Highway 21 near County Trunk G North to Nekoosa

Necedah, WisconsinJan 24, 20080 Comments

When East bound on Hwy 21, Town Cop likes to sit in the Junk Yard Parking lot Right before speed limit goes to 55 from 45. He also watches for West bound that did not slow to reduced speed. County DA knows exactly where he sits when You go to Court.


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