Plover, Wisconsin Speed Traps

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Route 54 between Wisconsin Rapids and Plover

Plover, WisconsinJun 23, 20120 Comments

The speed limit drops from 55 to 45 to 35 within a mile or two. Police will sit on either side of Route 54 (usually nears St. Bron’s) and you will get stopped for either driving too fast too soon in the Westbound lane, or not slowing down as you drive East into Plover.

Hoover Ave

Plover, WisconsinMar 08, 20120 Comments

Speed limit is 35, road is one lane in each direction with a median. This is a very busy road, and with all of the slow people putting along at 25 it’s very easy to become enraged! However, Plover cop will sit EVERY day on the side road across from Plover Whiting Elementary School. Speed limit is 15 on school days. You WILL get pulled over for exceeding 15! Otherwise, anwhere along Hoover they will sit on side roads.


Plover, WisconsinOct 03, 20101 Comments

North bound lane just past the CN railroad overpass, they park at the turnaround about 1/4 mile north. State patrol uses this a lot because you can’t see them until you clear the overpass.

Cedar Drive near Woyak Sports Complex

Plover, WisconsinMay 29, 20080 Comments

Law Enforcement like to hide in the parking lot for the Woyak Sports Complex. The speed limit is 25 mph and it is a decently long road. Watch out they are they at least 3 times a week if not more and they will ticket.. I’ve never been pulled over here, but then again I know they sit here….


Jackson Street near Maple Drive

Plover, WisconsinJul 31, 20070 Comments

Travelling down Jackson is a 25 mph zone. They like to hide on a waterpump station on the corner of Jackson and Maple. They are extremely vigilant and will pull you over for doing 5 mph over the limit or for any other small reason like a tail light out. Lived on this street for 5 years and in all that time that corner has always been reinforced.

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