Rice Lake, Wisconsin Speed Traps

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Hwy 48 and Hwy 25 (just west of RiceLake)

Rice Lake, WisconsinMar 17, 20100 Comments

State patrol will sit by the township shop usaully in the early mornings and later afternoons.

US Highway 53 near Between Rice Lake Exits

Rice Lake, WisconsinMay 23, 20080 Comments

One cop will sit on over pass and radio down to cops sitting in the medium. They usually do this on holiday weekends. Because of the turn and hill in the road, you can’t see the cops in the medium until it’s too late!


State Highway 53 near Mile Marker 142

Rice Lake, WisconsinMar 29, 20060 Comments

One State Patrol vehicle sits on overpass above the highway and clocks vehicles while as many as six other patrol cars from state, county and municipal goverments take turns stopping identified vehicles. Primarily used during peak traffic tourist seasons and holiday weekends, beginning on Friday mornings and running through the weekend.

State Highway SS

Rice Lake, WisconsinJun 03, 20051 Comments

pulling cars over and checking for seat belts and what they can find.

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