Sheboygan, Wisconsin Speed Traps

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Taylor Drive near the entrance to Acuity Insurance

Sheboygan, WisconsinMar 28, 20100 Comments

City police park in the entrance to Acuity or in the left turn lane at Paine Ave. Can’t see them until you are in their radar.

Washington Ave east of the railroad overpass

Sheboygan, WisconsinMar 28, 20100 Comments

City police park off the road on the southside way back off the street. Can’t see them when you are driving east, and by the time you see them driving west, you’re nailed.

I-43 at CTH V

Sheboygan, WisconsinAug 19, 20020 Comments

Interstate speed limit is standard 65 but traffic typically goes 75. The trap involves an airplane measuring time over distance.

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