Boaz, Alabama Speed Traps

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Hwy 168 and Hwy 179 Near Grumpys’s Restaraunt

Boaz, AlabamaFeb 02, 20120 Comments

A state trooper who lives within a mile of this area has been sitting in this area everyday for the last couple of months.

Summerville Road

Boaz, AlabamaJun 10, 20100 Comments

From The 4 way stop sign on Summerville Road to 168, there are State Troopers that hide out behind the churches and anywhere they can to bust you for speeding. The speed limit is 40mph. The hottest point is between Red Apple Cut Off Road and 168.

US Highway 431 near Henderson Street

Boaz, AlabamaSep 12, 20070 Comments

Just at the city limits coming from Albertville the speed limit is 55 and as you get into Boaz city limits the speed drops to 45 and Boaz Police sit in the extra parking lot of Marshall Medical Center South

Williams Street near US Highway 431

Boaz, AlabamaJul 07, 20060 Comments

Boaz police sits across the road at Hardees from the Super Wal-Mart store and watches for people that inadvertly runs a stop sign where there are two stop signs placed very near each other that is at the exit of the Super Wal-Mart store. You will see one sign, but not pay much attention to the other stop sign since they are very close to each other.

US Highway 431 near State Highway 168

Boaz, AlabamaJul 18, 20050 Comments

police ticketing motorists for speeding on highway 431. the speedlimit is 45 mph through boaz.

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